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Cheshire South Methodist Circuit


Did you know that ICD have an ongoing relationship with Cheshire South Methodist Circuit?

Gary is the Circuit Treasurer, involved in finance, planning, management, buildings and mission (community activities). Cindy volunteers supporting the Leadership Team and Lay Workers wherever she can. Gary and Cindy both use their community development, charitable sector, HR, safeguarding, social enterprise and funding knowledge to support the Circuit's activities and sustainability. Both represent the Circuit at Care Community and Council level, thus ensuring that the Church's mission and activities reflect the needs and priorities of their local communities.

Cheshire South has areas of multiple deprivation and also significant rural communities, both of which present challenges. Churches have a key role to play in these communities both in terms of physical assets (buildings) and staff and volunteers. In rural villages you can usually find a Methodist Church, and often it's the only community building. Gary and Cindy enjoy supporting this dedicated team to thrive and support their communities with activities that make a real difference.



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